Hello world! I'm Lorena

Web Developer & Digital Designer.

Enthusiastic about Human-Computer Interaction, dedicated to creating user experiences that blend innovative web development with a touch of creativity.

About me

My name is Lorena – My coding adventure goes way back to the 2010s, where I first dipped my toes into the world of HTML and CSS by tweaking Myspace and Tumblr themes.
Back then, it was all about adding that perfect touch of aesthetic flair.
As I transitioned into adulthood, I carved out a career in media and design. It was a university project that brought me back to coding, reigniting a passion for web design and development.

I have over 7 years of digital agency experience where I built a career in the media industry, focusing in video editing and motion graphic design. During this time, I led projects that deepened my understanding of how design and technology intersect.

Transitioning into UX/UI design, I spent over a year in a software development team, where I centered my approach on creating intuitive and accessible interfaces. Recently, I contributed to the development of an expense-sharing app at Explit, combining my design expertise with full-stack development to deliver a robust and user-friendly functional solution.

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  1. Full Stack Developer & Designer | Explit

    Contributing to the design and development of Explit, a expense sharing web application. Crafting a cohesive visual identity and ensuring a user-friendly interface. Developing responsive front-end components using CSS and Bootstrap, while implementing dynamic functionality with Angular. Managing API integrations on the back end, and optimising database interactions. Collaborating with my team, I actively participated in code reviews and pair programming sessions, consistently refining the app's design and functionality.

  2. UX/UI Designer | University of Glasgow

    I center my approach on the user to create effective and accessible interfaces for the best experience. I am proficient in wireframing and prototyping design solutions utilizing Adobe XD and Figma. My skills extend to WordPress development and website maintenance, as well as pair programming with my team in front-end development sessions, using Material UI on React.js. Moreover, I conduct testing sessions to gather user feedback for continuous design improvement.

  3. Video Editor | Media Monty

    Crafting visually engaging content by editing videos, integrating motion graphics, and ensuring a polished and professional look to meet project objectives. I am proficient in using video editing software such as Adobe Premiere Pro to assemble content for businesses, social media and Youtube. Skilled in creating visually appealing motion graphics, animations, and visual effects using tools like Adobe After Effects.


  1. Master's degree in Full Stack Development

    Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (Distance learning)

  2. CodeSpace: Software Development Bootcamp

    Edinburgh College (Scotland)

  3. BSc in Digital Design

    Glasgow Caledonian University (Scotland)

  4. BA (Hons) in Audiovisual Communication

    Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Spain)


Explit | Expense sharing app

Explit is a web application for managing and tracking shared payments. It was designed and developed with Angular and Node.js for Full Stack integration.

  • Angular
  • Bootstrap
  • Node.js
  • MySQL
Screenshot of the project

Maryam Moliner | Photographer Portfolio

Responsive portfolio website for a wildlife photographer. The front-end of this site was carefully designed and developed to showcase the artist's work and passion for wildlife.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
Screenshot of the project

SICSA Conference 2023 | Wordpress Website

SICSA PhD's 2023 conference website, was designed and developed using WordPress and Elementor, ensuring a visually appealing and user-friendly platform on pair with the conference theme.

  • Wordpress
  • Elementor
  • Design
Screenshot of the project

Sustainable Screens | Wordpress Website

Sustainable Screens Scotland was designed and developed following sustainable web design practices. The result is a search tool that connects academic experts and media professionals on sustainability.

  • Wordpress
  • Design
Screenshot of the project

Edge Apparel Inc. | E-commerce Website

Edge Apparel is a full-stack prototype of a street-style clothing online store. It was developed as a final project for CodeSpace's Software Development Bootcamp.

  • PHP
  • Bootstrap
  • MySQL
  • JavaScript
Screenshot of the project

BBC Gamepulse | UX/UI design

University Project. Crafted an innovative UX/UI solution for the BBC's new gaming news platform targeted to Gen-Z users, to be integrated into their broader entertainment suite.

  • Figma
  • UX/UI
  • Design
Screenshot of the project

NeuroArcade | UX/UI design

Designed the branding and user interface for NeuroArcade, an app and website platform for the university's neurology department, providing insights into human behaviour compared to AI through interactive gaming experiences.

  • Figma
  • UX/UI
  • Design
Screenshot of the project

RIS Matchmaker | UX/UI design

Designed the user experience and interface for the Research Innovation Scotland Matchmaker App using Figma, integrating a thoughtful approach to enhance connectivity among researchers across Scottish and German universities.

  • Figma
  • UX/UI
  • Design
Screenshot of the project

A Good Shop | Responsive static UI MockUp

Crafted a sleek and responsive e-commerce phone store interface using HTML and CSS, translating the initial design into an engaging and user-friendly digital storefront

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Responsive
Screenshot of the project

A Good Shop | OOP Vanilla JS Shopping Cart

Created a dynamic shopping cart entirely using vanilla JavaScript, applying object-oriented programming for a modular and scalable solution.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • OOP
Screenshot of the project